Meet the team

Mounia Lagha

Group leader

+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

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Room: 104

I grew up in Algeria and moved to France when I was 13 (Besançon). My passion for biology started in high school thanks to an amazing biology teacher. I then moved to Paris to enter a ‘grande école’ (AGRO-INA-PG). This is when I had the chance to enter to a research lab, first as a summer internship, than for my master.

I did my PhD at the Pasteur Institute in Paris where I studied myogenesis in mouse developing embryos. To dig into the mechanisms of gene regulation operating during development, I decided to change model organism and worked on Drosophila. I moved to Berkeley for my post doc in 2010.

My main post-doctoral finding was that minimal promoter sequences control polymerase pausing, essential for transcriptional coordination operating during gastrulation. I started my own independent group in Montpellier in 2015.

Iryna Mohylyak

Post Doc

+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

Contact eMail

Room: 104

Virginia Pimmett

Post Doc

+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

Room: 104

Charlène Clot

Post Doc

+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

Room: 104

Pierre Bensidoun

Post Doc

+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

Contact eMail

Room: 104

I’m good at staring at little green, red, yellow, sometimes blue dots for hours. I’m not bad with bands either. I often take small volumes from tubes and put them in other tubes and hope very much that something happens. If it works and after a lot of green, red, yellow and sometimes blue dots, bands, and tubes, we write an article about it.

Pablo Garcia-Idieder

PhD student

+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

Contact eMail

Room: 104

Louise Maillard

PhD student

+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

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Room: 104

Ronan Bouzignac

PhD student

Antonio Trullo

Research Engineer

+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

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I come from a small village in the south of Italy. After a degree and a PhD in theoretical physics, I decided to move into some more applied fields. First I joined the microscopy core facility at the CNIC (Madrid) working on the development of analysis techniques in the field of the Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy.

Since 2015, I moved to Montpellier and joined the IGMM to develop softwares to perform quantitative analysis on imaging data of transcription in drosophila embryos. I work on statistical tests too, to confirm or reject our working hypothesis and on mathematical modeling with our external collaborators.

Amandine Palandri

Engineer (IE)

+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

Contact eMail

Room: 104

Elif Ceren Aksu

Research Assistant (AI)

+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

Room: 104

Mélissa Costes

Research Assistant (AI)

+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

Room: 104

Mona Mazouzi


+33 (0)4 34 35 96 53

Room: 104


S. De Rossi and V. Georget / Imaging (Montpellier Imaging Plateform)
E. Bertrand and E. Basyuk / Improved MS2 method (IGMM, Montpellier, France)
O. Radulescu and L. Ciandrini / Modeling (Universite de Montpellier)
M. Harrison / Production of Zelda-GFP fly line (University of Wisconsin Madison, USA)
K. Jagla and G. Junion / Cardiogenesis (Université Clermont-Ferrand, France)
J. Zeitlinger and J. Johnston / Bioinformatic analysis (Stowers Institute, Kansas City, USA)


Florence Agbazahou / Research Assistant
Maelle Bellec / PhD student / current position: post doc in Stainier lab
Maria Douaihy / PhD student
Jeremy Dufourt / CNRS Researcher
Heloïse Faure-Gautron / Trainee
Gabriel Sellam / Trainee M1
Morgane Verbrugghe / Research Assistant
Matthieu Angles / Research Assistant
Olivier Messina / Trainee
Maelys Gicquel / Research Assistant
Hélène Lenden / Research Assistant
Matthieu Dejean / Research Assistant - CNRS
Marie Lamarque / Trainee
Carola Fernandez / PhD Student - CNRS
Jennifer Hunter / Post-Doc - CNRS
Marilyn Kajdan / Trainee - UM
Lucas Morales / Trainee - UM
Yayoi Wada / University of Kyoto, master 2 visiting student
Elisa Atger / Lycee Simone Weil, Montpellier, Le Puy en Velay
Rachida el Youssfi / BTS, Lycee Jean Mermoz (Montpellir), 8 weeks
Matilde Gauchier / Master 2, Université de Grenoble, 5 months (is now performing a PhD at IGH, Montpellier)
Matilde Montovani / Master 2, Université de Milan, Erasmus 10 months
Louis Redonnet / licence, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 3 months
Jonathan Lapine / licence, Université de Montpellier, 2 months
Quentin Dessables / Licence, Université de Poitiers, 3 months
Yasmine Hadj-Messaoud / Licence, Université Marseille, 4 weeks